Corona incidence remains at a high level in Brandenburg

The seven-day incidence of corona infections remains at a high level in Brandenburg. Nationwide, arithmetically 1554.2 people per 100,000 inhabitants were newly infected, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Wednesday.

The previous day this seven-day incidence was 1566.9 and a week ago it was 1435.1. The RKI reported the new maximum value of 1607.1 on the national average.

Corona hotspot in Brandenburg was currently Cottbus with an incidence of 2464.2, but the value also remained above 2000 in the Elbe-Elster and Spree-Neisse districts. Within one day there were 8342 new corona infections, after 6991 the day before. There are currently eight deaths related to Covid-19.

The situation in the hospitals eased slightly. The number of new hospital patients with Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants in one week was 6.6 on Wednesday, down from 7.7 on Tuesday. At 10.1 percent, the proportion of intensive care beds with Covid 19 patients was just in the yellow area, as on the previous days.

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► Corona hammer for Brandenburg – ALL restrictions remain!

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Poor vaccination rate

As on the previous days, only 68.8 percent of the population have a full vaccination. This puts Brandenburg in the penultimate place in a comparison of the federal states, ahead of Saxony.

With a rate of 51 percent, more than every second Brandenburger has already received a booster vaccination – nationwide this rate is 57.9 percent.
