Corona incidence in Brandenburg continues to fall

The corona incidence in Brandenburg has continued to fall slightly. The value was 1389.8 on Saturday morning, after 1425.2 the day before and 1428.8 on Thursday, as reported by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

A week ago, the 7-day incidence nationwide was 1594.2. Nationwide, the number of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week on Saturday was 1758.4.

Within 24 hours, 5,228 new infections and 9 deaths related to Covid 19 disease were added in Brandenburg. This means that Brandenburg has had more than 665,000 reported cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

This means that more than every fourth Brandenburger has been infected with the corona virus.

The number of deaths related to a corona infection rose to a total of 5386.
