Corona figures continue to fall: 95 fewer corona patients, 12,517 positive tests Inland

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) received 12,517 reports of positive tests between Thursday morning and Friday morning. The number of corona infections was significantly higher a week earlier. On that Friday, more than 15,000 infections were confirmed.

RIVM received a message in the past day that 41 people have died as a result of their corona infection. Just because their deaths have been reported now doesn’t mean they died in the last 24 hours.

Number of corona patients also decreased

The number of corona patients in Dutch hospitals has fallen by 95 in the past 24 hours. There are now 2126 people with Covid-19 in hospital, according to figures from the National Coordination Center for Patients Spreading (LCPS).

There are now 1,580 corona patients admitted to the nursing wards, 77 less than a day earlier. And 546 corona patients are in such bad condition that they are being cared for in intensive care. That is 18 less than Thursday.

The number of new people on the nursing wards is 145 and 24 in the intensive care unit, but because patients from both wards were also discharged or died, the totals are still lower.

On November 18, the total number of Covid patients admitted with 2110 was lower than now for the last time. There has been a downward trend in the numbers of new admissions for some time, but the rapid advance of the omicron variant of the coronavirus could change that again.


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