Corona fear! Lena Meyer-Landrut cancels the tour in tears





Lena Meyer-Landrut will not go on tour this year as planned. On Monday (April 4th), the singer completely canceled her entire concert tour (with gigs in Leipzig, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin) including festival appearances in May and June.

“I feel a responsibility towards you and I don’t feel safe enough myself to play with a production in mostly sold-out, full halls in view of the ongoing corona pandemic,” said Meyer-Landrut in an Instagram video with tears in his eyes . The time is not yet ripe.

“I feel bad because I know I disappoint you”

The 30-year-old confessed that it was also a big and very personal decision that was not easy for her. The reactions of their supporters seem to go through Meyer-Landrut’s head. “I feel bad because I know I disappoint you,” she said.

The cancellation is certainly bitter because most of the concerts were catch-up performances, since Lena Meyer-Landrut wanted to go on tour months ago, but had to do without it due to the strict corona hygiene measures in live operation.

Concerts with a larger audience and also in halls are possible again after the new Corona regulations have been passed in most federal states.




