Corona certificate EU with jaar extended | Buitenland

The rules of the European Union about digital corona certificates, such as the Belgian Covid Safe Ticket, remain valid until June 2023. The vertegenwoordigers of the European Parlement de regeringen of the EU-lidstaten vandaag overeengekomen, according to the Franse voorzitterschap van de Raad van de EU mee.

The certificate should be activated in coronatijden so that it may be possible to make it. By hand a QR code can be given to someone who has been vaccinated against Covid-19, but has never been tested by the corona virus. The digital version can be printed on a mobile device and in most cases it can also be a paper version.

The Europe Commission had issued the rules for the corona certificate in February. Ze motiveerde het voorstel door te zeggen dat het coronavirus nog steeds wide spread is in Europa and that de followed van een mogelijke stijging van het aantal besmettingen in de tweede helft van 2022 of het ontstaan ​​van nieuwe VARIANTS nauwelijks te voorspellen is. After the extension of the EU regulation, the certificaat can also be used as the lidstaten bepaalde the coronamaat rules.
