Corona cases in collapsing new buildings

From BZ/dpa

“Although we have taken all precautionary measures and followed them as strictly as possible, the reality of the pandemic has caught up with us,” said singer Blixa Geld.

Due to several corona cases, the Einsturzenden Neubauten have canceled the concert planned for Friday in the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

The performance planned for Sunday in the National Concert Hall in Dublin will also be postponed. “Although we have taken all precautionary measures and followed them as strictly as possible, the reality of the pandemic has caught up with us,” said singer Blixa Geld on the band’s website. Alternative dates in autumn or winter are being sought.

There are a number of corona cases. Tour manager Eric got it first. He was left behind in Cologne. “Then the day after the London show Alex tested positive, he showed symptoms, he’s still positive but he’s better now. We had to skip the Utrecht show,” the singer continues.

Since then, several crew members and a sound engineer have developed symptoms. “The tests are positive. Continuing the tour in the face of such an infection dynamic would be simply irresponsible,” writes the singer. And: “We are proud to have held out at least 25 concerts.”

Last year, the band, which was founded in West Berlin in 1980, called for people to be vaccinated against Corona under the slogan #impfenschützt.

“We are vaccinated and ask you to do the same as soon as possible,” the musicians wrote on Instagram. The vaccination is, “beyond all personal fears, doubts and sensitivities, an act of solidarity, not only with us artists and other employees in the industry, but also with all other people”.
