Corenos pulverizes Siddeburen | amateur football Groningen

The amateur footfall in the Northern Netherlands has erupted again. Edit: DVHN

Corenos seems to be going for the title unthreatened in the 5th class E. The ambitious club from Roodeschool did not miss out on poor Siddeburen: 2-11

On the weekend when the war in Ukraine dominated the conversation along the football lines more than the relief about the loosened Corona measures, most amateur football players went back to the meadow. In Siddeburen the conditions for a wonderful old-fashioned football afternoon were present. The field was in order, the scoreboard worked, the sun was shining brightly and hostess Gerda welcomed visitors in the boardroom. The table was filled with two kinds of cake, chocolate Easter eggs, licorice and mandarins.

Good mentality, but

What was missing this afternoon was some form of tension and an uncertain outcome makes football fascinating. Corenos was lord and master. For a fifth division team, the team of coach Marco Pesiwarissa plays very decent football. In the winter break, the team even trained several times at five in the morning, after which the leaders presented a lunch. The men of the most northern club of the Dutch mainland also went on a training camp to Torremolinos, in the Spanish sun. The team from Roodeschool, with 16-year-old Marc Spriensma in a central role, wore the away shirts this afternoon, so that ‘the most beautiful football shirt in the North’, elected by readers of this newspaper, among others, remained in the closet.

After a nice start from Siddeburen, the lightning-fast Jordan Muller cut through the home team’s defense after 6 minutes: 0-1. That goal was the prelude to an unprecedentedly large result. A clumsy own goal by Dennis Jansema brought the 0-2 on the board. When Jansema again played a negative role in a goal by Corenos, a teammate shouted to the bench: ,,You can have a very good mentality, but….” Coach Siem Bijman intervened mercilessly. Jansema was allowed to shower before the break.

Two goals from occasional striker Elwin Wezeman (who normally plays in the center of the defence) and one from Anne Jan ten Harkel brought the halftime score to 0-5. The bowl of cake in the boardroom had been replenished, but even after the goal change, Corenos was superior. Wezeman scored two more, substitute Lars Baar scored three goals in half an hour of playing time and Kevin Pathuis completed the double dozen.

I leave it to the leader

Of course Marco Pesiwarissa was a happy man: ,,Yes, it was a good game. We have to become champions. We practice a lot against clubs that play higher, such as Middelstum and DVC Appingedam, and we win from that. shiners? Jordan Muller was very important with four assists and Elwin Wezeman of course, who scores four times as a defender.” It is striking that Pesiwarissa does not coach along the line: “I leave that to leader Bart Moes, I prefer to watch calmly and want the let creativity run its course. I’ll do the match discussions.”

Siem Bijman, the coach of Siddeburen, looked resignedly to his team: ,,The lack of training is the main reason for this big loss. Many boys live in Groningen and that sometimes prevents a practice session here and there. Also because football has been on hold for so long. We don’t have artificial grass like Corenos. At 0-2 our faith was gone.” Bijman had to sit out until 2-12 and was then also allowed to get a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Or a beer.
