Core cabinet organizes emergency shelter for asylum seekers in Jabbeke

Core cabinet organizes emergency shelter for asylum seekers in Jabbeke

To address the acute shortage of shelters, the core cabinet agreed last week to organize 1,500 places of humanitarian emergency shelter. At the suggestion of the Crisis Centre, which is in charge of coordination, two sites have been identified for the time being to organize emergency shelters. It concerns a site of the Buildings Agency in Jabbeke and a site of Defense in Glons (near Liège).

In Jabbeke, the target group is vulnerable families with children, 150 to 500 people. Jabbeke himself does not have to pay anything for this, says the mayor. The municipality actually intended to house the technical service in the buildings of the Civil Protection.

“This is really basic shelter – bed, bath and bread – so as not to leave vulnerable people on the street,” said State Secretary de Moor. “There are commitments, but we are not there yet. People still do not all have a place. I continue to point out the urgency within the government.”
