Cops risk their own life and save man who wants to cross A65

A motorist with a running dashcam witnessed a heroic action by the police on Wednesday morning. At the risk of their own lives, three officers pulled a probably confused man from the A65 near Berkel-Enschot. “They deserve nothing but praise.”

“I was driving on the A65 between Tilburg-Noord and Berkel-Enschot when I saw police cars driving with sirens and flashing lights on the other side of the road,” the man told Omroep Brabant. “There was a man standing on the hard shoulder. He had already crossed the A65 once, it turned out afterwards. That’s why all the police were on their feet. I stopped on the hard shoulder to serve as a witness.”

The driver’s video footage shows the man climbing over the guardrail, appearing to catch his breath in the shadows and then raising his arms in the air. He then appears to be yelling at the videographer’s car.

“A moment later a police car stopped in front of and behind me. The officers approached him from two sides and when the man realized that, he climbed over the guardrail again and started running towards the highway.”

The images clearly show how the three officers manage to catch the man just before the speeding traffic. This prevents them from getting worse. “Those cops pulled him off the highway without a doubt, risking their own lives. I find that enormously admirable. It was bloody linked. It’s a miracle there wasn’t an accident. If they were there five seconds later, it would have been under a car and it would have been a completely different picture. Those agents deserve nothing but praise.”
