Cops deserve more respect

BZ editor Katharina Metag on the prudent actions of the police in front of a Jewish school in Mitte against a man who allegedly carried a machine gun

BZ editor Katharina Metag on the prudent actions of the police in front of a Jewish school in Mitte against a man who allegedly carried a machine gun Photo: Spreepicture

By Catherine Metag

There could have been deaths. Only the prudent actions of the police prevented this.

Special forces were quickly on the scene when a suspected gunman appeared in front of the Jewish high school in Mitte on Friday evening. But the patrol officers also had the situation under control. Little did they know the gun was not armed and the suspect’s companion was unarmed. They reacted instinctively, did not shoot.

It is a terrible reality that Jewish institutions in our city must be protected. But it is also a terrible reality that passers-by immediately yelled: “That was police violence!” when the alleged shooter was overpowered by officials – roughly, of course.

That makes me really angry. No cop wants to shoot. Everyone wants to go back to their families healthy and I think almost everyone is afraid of such a situation. You deserve respect!


Berlin police
