Copperman, the cinecomic with Luca Argentero- iO Donna

LLuca Argentero wearing the suit of a superhero atypical in the film Copperman (2019), prime time tonight on Rai 2. We are not on the side of the American cinecomics overflowing with special effects. The film of Eros Puglielli mixes the aspirations of a child who believes himself to be a superhero (even as an adult) and his desire to belong to the world of “normal”, despite mental retardation.

The armor he wears Anselmo, aka Copperman, it serves more to protect itself. Puglielli makes one fable delicate in which it mixes reality and comic strip,

Copperman: the plot

Anselmo is a child who has a cognitive disorder and grows up with a fascination for Marvel heroes. Also because the mom (Galatea Randi) to mask her father’s escape, tells him that he has left on a mission to save the world. And so did our Anselmo grows with this legacy

Even as an adult (Luca Argentero) retains the purity of child and turns into Coppermancomplete with armor that is somewhat reminiscent of that of the first Iron Man. To build it is Silvanothe country blacksmith (Tommaso Ragno), using waste materials such as electrical parts, tricycle and motor wheels. A costume suitable to protect it from those who do not look favorably on it.

Copperman observes reality in a different way from others and will have to clash with those who just can’t stand it and with it human wickedness. But he stubbornly continues to look at the world as a fairy tale and does not stop trusting people. The only one to see it for what it is, without filters it is Tweety (Antonia Truppo) the friend of all time, the little girl and then the woman towards whom Anselmo has feelings.

An atypical superhero

Copperman is a superhero soft-hearted which in some ways remembers Forrest Gump, especially in the attitude he has towards others. It doesn’t matter if they call him retarded, he pursues his mission in the country: save those in dangeror at least those who believe it is.

References are to the film by Robert Zemeckisbut also at the cinema of the Japanese cartoonist Miyazaki and ad Iron Manespecially for the armor reminiscent of the one made by Tony Stark in the first chapter of the saga. Luca Argentero he described the film as “one contemporary, fun, colorful fairytale and with some dyes action. An opportunity I’ve been waiting for a lifetime ». Too bad it didn’t make it to the box office.

Luca Argentero.

Copperman and the other Made in Italy superheroes

Copperman is one of the few cinecomics Italians. Titles can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The success of They called him Jeeg Robotfrom Gabriele Mainetti, then came the experiment of Gabriele Salvatores with the two chapters of The invisible boy and Puglielli’s film. In the end Freaks Outalways by Mainetti. A film that has won awards, six of them, to the last ones David di Donatello but which, due to Covid, did not get the hoped-for revenues.

The certainty remains that even in Italy it is possible to achieve cinecomics. We will not have the phantasmagoric budgets some American friends, but we don’t lack ideas and craftsmen. Let’s think about the recent candidates for the Oscar for the make up of the film Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone. It is therefore worth taking this path too, potentially capable of attracting the public to theaters. Looking forward to the sequel to They called him Jeeg Robot.

