Coppa Italia: Udinese-Monza 2-3, a pearl from Petagna was decisive

What a show in Friuli: Palladino goes on with Valoti, then Perez goes wild. But Molina and a spell from the attacker overturn it in two minutes

From our correspondent Nicola Angeli

October 19
– Udine

Pass Monza to Dacia Arena, thus qualifying for the second round of the Italian Cup. It happens a lot, not all, between 23 ‘and 27’ of the second half, when Udinese first takes the lead by taking the lead for the first time in the match and then suffers on two occasions, going under definitively. Monza goes on with merit. Palladino’s team, while playing in a throw-in, has never shown fear of an opponent who in the second half resorted to his strongest players to try to win.


The first interesting situation is in the 5 ‘, when Lovric kicks at the far post, from the left, a ball that could have found better luck. Three minutes later it is Nestorovski who tries to worry Cragno, but the Macedonian kicks badly with his left foot. At the quarter of an hour Monza shows up, well, for the first time: Birindelli puts it in the middle from the right, Padelli smanaccia towards the center of the area and the ball reaches Rovella. The central shoots without fail, but Nuytinck strikes back on the goal line. At 23 ‘it is Udinese to become concrete. Nestorovski suggests in depth and to take advantage of it is Beto, who runs ball and chain towards the area. Birindelli knocks him down and Dionisi points to the penalty spot. However, the referee is recalled from the Var room and corrects the decision, whistling a punishment from the edge that finds little luck for Sottil’s men. At 31 ‘D’Alessandro jumps Ehizibue, puts in the middle for Machin who corrects towards Colpani. Number 28 shoots high. At 38 ‘D’Alessandro is still the protagonist: on the development of a counterattack he kicks without fail towards Padelli, but the goalkeeper deflects. The goal is in the air and at 45 ‘Valoti, taking advantage of a deviation by Ehizibue, puts her in the seven to the left of Padelli.


Sottil puts in Samardzic and Udogie to fix things and the changes reward him already in the 4th minute, with Nehuen Perez deflecting into the goal, placed at the far post, a heel assist from Beto who had been served from the right by Lovric. Udinese seems to have an edge and pushes first with Udogie and then again with Samardzic, who calls on Cragno a couple of times. The results came in the 23rd minute, when Perez headed Pereyra’s cross from the right into the goal. The inertia seems entirely on the side of the Friulians, but 120 seconds later Molina equalized: cross from the right by Birindelli, another heel – this time by Colpani -, Padelli deflected and the number 79 from Brianza placed things on par. Two more minutes and Monza is ahead: Petagna receives in the area from Molina, jumps – in order – Samardzic, Arslan and Nuytinck (the most guilty of the three), throttling a diagonal that Padelli sees slowly slip onto the post to his left. Udinese tries to recover, but their hopes are shattered on the post hit by Pereyra – on 36 ‘- and on the crossbar hit by Samardzic on 39’. Padelli on Petagna is still good in recovery.
