Coppa Italia, Inter-Parma: Correa is there from 1′

Tonight Tucu will start after more than two months. The last time was in Munich on November 1st. Out Lukaku, the Argentine wants to take advantage of the opportunity

Against Parma, in the Italian Cup, Joaquin Correa will once again wear a starting shirt that he has been missing since the insignificant away match in Munich on 1 November.

Since then Tucu has been watching his teammates (like Saturday in Monza) or entered the final (like Wednesday’s victory at San Siro against Napoli). 2023, for the former Lazio player, started exactly as 2022 ended, that is, with a bitter taste. From autumn onwards he has never been in top condition thanks to an inflammation of the kneecap tendon, the result of a blow received in Inter-Barcelona on 4 October. That night the Nerazzurri fans celebrated the end of the crisis and a success that later proved to be crucial for the passage to the knockout stages of the Champions League. Correa, on the other hand, had only problems from then on: he was in the infirmary for a couple of matches (out in the away matches in Reggio Emilia and Barcelona), but then he returned. Even if he wasn’t 100% at all. And for his generosity and his commitment to the cause, he paid a heavy price.


With Lukaku who wasn’t ready and would only be back for three days (from 26 to 29 October: 2 shots against Viktoria Plzen and Sampdoria), Joaquin grit his teeth and went onto the pitch fighting against the annoyance he had because up front Inzaghi had only Dzeko and Lautaro left. He served the assist for Big Rom’s goal in the Champions League against the Bohemians, he performed in a spectacular goal (that of 3-0) against Sampdoria, but then the pain stopped him again. Both in training and in the game. Had he thought only of himself and the World Cup, he would have managed himself and instead he put Inter first. So during the week he worked with his teammates (taking care not to “load” too much) and during the official matches he went on the pitch, often coming on from the bench. They were useful minutes to give the Bosnian and the Argentine a breather, even if he certainly couldn’t make the most of it. If the double inflammation of the Achilles tendons that knocked him out in the last Seleccion friendly, the one won on November 16 against the United Arab Emirates (he scored the final 5-0 starting from the bench), would have come out even resting in the infirmary in the previous weeks, it is not possible to know. Certainly, given his condition, Scaloni had to exclude him from the list of 26 and he went to Qatar, as a spectator, just to celebrate the day of the final won against France on penalties. In his mind December 18th had to go differently and his place wanted him to be on the pitch, not in the stands.


During the holidays at home, Correa rested and healed, so the inflammation disappeared. Upon returning to Pinetina he underwent therapies and trained for a few days, but then returned to the group. Now the pains of the past are gone and he hopes that a new season will start tonight. He has no remorse and, as a professional, he feels he did the right thing by sacrificing himself for Inter and for Inzaghi, the coach who strongly wanted him with him in Appiano in the summer of 2021. Tucu is only asking for help from good luck: nothing in particular, just to feel good. The slight annoyance that knocked out Lukaku will give him a starting shirt and he intends to take advantage of the opportunity. It doesn’t matter if it will be played against Parma, a Serie B formation and if the match will be valid “only” for the round of 16 of the Italian Cup. For him it will be a game in which to try at all costs to send a message.


The market rumors that they want him away from Inter in January (on loan) don’t interest him because he knows that the club won’t let him leave without an offer to buy the card. And the latter will not arrive because, after the redemption obligation triggered last February, the Correa operation was budgeted for 33.3 million. Tucu, therefore, dreams of a restart like compatriot Nico Gonzalez, also excluded from the Argentina squad at the last dive, but decisive on Friday on a penalty kick for the victory against Sassuolo. Tonight he will have his opportunity and he doesn’t intend to waste it like he did in the past. Not always (or not only) because of him.
