Cooking without gas, this is the best induction hob | Living

What is the best 80 centimeter wide induction hob? And which one has the best price-quality ratio? The Consumers’ Association provides an answer.

Induction hobs are standard 60 cm wide with four cooking zones. But you also have more and more wider models of 70 cm, 80 cm or 90 cm wide. These sometimes have five or six cooking zones. You also have cooking zones with built-in extraction. Hobs are never exactly 60, 70, 80 or 90 cm wide. The exact installation width can be found in the specifications.

Induction hobs often have a high power. Keep this in mind when switching to induction. An additional electricity group is often required in the meter cupboard.

The Consumers’ Association tests induction hobs for cooking and baking, ease of use, energy consumption, noise and safety, among other things. In total, more than 130 hobs have been tested that are currently reasonably to well available.

Of the 36 tested hobs in the 80 cm wide category, a Bosch model came out as Best in the Test. A Zanussi hob is the Best Buy.

Best in Test: Bosch PIV851FC5E

Bosch PIV851FC5E. © Consumers’ Association

The Bosch PIV851FC5E is a hob with five cooking zones. This hob is extremely popular and many stores advertise the price. So keep an eye on the offers.

This model has no frame along the edges. It is also available with a frame, which is the PIV895FC5E. It is immediately a lot more expensive.

It is a good hob, which stands out as one of the more economical models in the test. It consumes relatively little power. You operate the hobs with a large slider. The slider responds quickly and you can easily switch back and forth between the zones.

The hob offers enough space for five large pans. And each cooking zone has its own boost function. You can quickly bring a pan of water to the boil on the largest cooking zones. And on the smaller zones you can simmer a pan for a longer period of time.

A disadvantage is that you can only boost two cooking zones at the same time. Each zone has its own boost function, but you can only use one of the two right cooking zones, plus one of the other three zones at the same time.

Best Buy: Zanussi ZITN844K

Zanussi ZITN844K
Zanussi ZITN844K © Consumers’ Association

This Zanussi hob has four cooking zones and is quick and easy to use. It has a good boost function that allows you to quickly bring a pan of water to the boil.

The heat is well and evenly distributed over the pan. This makes a pancake nice and evenly brown. Each cooking zone has its own slider. The sliders respond well and are easy to operate.

But the hob also has disadvantages. Despite the width, you will quickly run out of space with four pans at the same time. It also has insufficient power to use all cooking zones at full capacity at the same time. In addition, the temperature between the cooking zones can rise significantly and it makes an annoying high-pitched noise during cooking.

In this section we write weekly about household and technological appliances that have been tested by the Consumers’ Association. This is a collaboration between the independent editors of this site and the Consumers’ Association.

The Consumers’ Association tests thousands of products every year, together with qualified technicians in specialized laboratories at home and abroad. The products being tested are store-bought, so they are not pre-manipulated by manufacturers.

New models are tested as soon as possible after introduction. How fast that is varies per product. The Best in Test is the product with the best test rating. This could also be an older model, because a newer model is not always better. The Best Buy is the product with the best price-quality ratio.

The stated price of a product is the lowest current retail price as far as known to the Consumers’ Association. But prices may vary per day. If no recent retail price is known, the target price is mentioned.
