Cooking is allowed to continue in the Thaipark for the time being

From BZ/dpa

The street food market Thaipark with its exotic food and drinks is popular with tourists and Berliners. But there are always arguments, about noise and garbage. A different solution is to be found in the future.

As usual, chicken skewers, fried pork ribs and other specialties will be available in Berlin this year in the internationally renowned Thaipark. The street food market in the Preußenpark will remain as it is, said Oliver Schruoffeneger (Greens), green space district councilor in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, the German Press Agency. In the future, however, the park should only be used for staying and no longer for selling food.

First of all, however, it must be checked on which neighboring properties the sale can take place, according to the city council. A parking lot or a parking lane could be considered. It is not yet clear when the test will take place. “Maybe next year,” said Schruoffeneger. The political will for the Thaipark to remain as an event is there.

The street kitchens in the park have been controversial for years. Again and again there was trouble because of the noise and garbage, for example from annoyed residents. In addition, there is neither water nor electricity, which makes cooling and hygiene difficult, said Schruoffeneger. Inspectors from the public order office checked whether the requirements were being met.

Supporters of the market, on the other hand, have started an online petition: “It is precisely the location in the countryside that makes it so charming,” says the market. The market area has already been reduced to protect the environment and local residents. More than 15,000 signatures had already been collected online by Friday afternoon.

There has always been something for young and old at the street food market in recent years

There has always been something for young and old at the street food market in recent years Photo: picture alliance / Global Travel Images | Global Travel Images

According to the Thai association in Berlin, the market originated in the 1990s. At that time, Asians from different countries met with their families in the park to eat together and exchange news.
