Controversy over the poster about the covid of a pharmacy in Alicante

  • The establishment displays a warning sign on its door reminding that the pandemic is still there, and some people accuse them of instilling fear

Pharmacies have been one of the most relevant places in the fight against the coronavirus. The public flocked to them for the first masks that were sold during the weeks of confinement. Almost two years after that, just a few months ago, they distributed millions of tests in the face of the very high numbers of infections left by the sixth wave. Now, with the worst of this health crisis already (a priori) a thing of the past, an establishment of this type located in Alicante is in the eye of the hurricane.

The reason lies in the board that they have placed on their door and on which you can read a message that reminds the population that the pandemic is still part of our reality. “115 deaths from covid last week. It’s not over (it doesn’t make headlines anymore)”is what is expressed in this warning written in chalk and echoed on Twitter by Cristina Martín Jiménez, who defines herself on her profile (@crismartinj) as a writer and Doctor of Journalism.

Without directly criticizing the poster, the woman (whose posts show a clear ideology against vaccines) has put this apothecary establishment in the center of several glances. The controversy has not been long in appearing and some people have commented on his tweet charging against the pharmacy and also against the role that these businesses have developed during the pandemic.

But perhaps the most striking of this controversy that has been generated is the video that the author of the original tweet herself has shared in her next tweet. The recording belongs to a follower of hers and shows -supposedly- the telephone conversation of a woman with a pharmacy manager Alicante. The transcript is as follows:

– Don’t you think that the population has already been scared enough for you to have that sign on the door?

– Oh yes, you’re right, I’ll take it off now, okay?

– It’s just a little embarrassing huh…

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– Yes, I take it off, really. Sorry.

The ease with which the woman convinces the alleged apothecary worker is unusual (some comment on the publication accuses the video of being ‘fake’), or perhaps it is justor a polite way of wanting to hang up a call which – in almost all probability – was going nowhere.
