Controversy not shunned by Dries van Langenhove at Ijzerwake

Controversy not shunned by Dries van Langenhove at Ijzerwake

About 3,000 sympathizers gather for the Yserwake at the grave of the Van Raemdonck brothers in Steenstraete near Ypres. All eyes are on guest speaker Dries Van Langenhove. Van Langenhove, who has yet to appear in court for negationism, among other things, is not afraid of controversy. Wim De Wit went the extra mile: “Your city of Ypres wants to smother democracy. You yourself are the fascist danger you claim to be fighting against.” The city council previously made it clear that it was not satisfied with Van Langenhove as a guest speaker. In the end, the Iron Vigil was allowed to continue after the organization also signed the peace charter.

All in all serene

The Yserwake is a meeting of the radical right that wants to commemorate the victims of World War 1 and wants an independent Flanders. Mayor of Ypres Emilie Talpe told our editors that she is all in all satisfied with the serene course of the events.
