Controversial social post: FC Bayern announces Mazraoui conversation

As of: October 16, 2023 6:36 p.m

FC Bayern defender Noussair Mazraoui sparks discussions with a pro-Palestine post on social media. The German football record champions have now announced “detailed personal conversation” with the Moroccan.

Noussair Mazraoui’s pro-Palestine contribution will have repercussions at FC Bayern Munich. The Moroccan, who is currently in Africa with his national team, should return to one “Detailed personal conversation with the club management in Munich” compete. The association announced this to the dpa news agency.

Mazraoui – first pro-Palestine, then a plea for peace

Noussair Mazraoui had last weekend at the Social mediaplatform Instagram published a video. In this a voice wishes in the style of a prayer “oppressed brothers in Palestine” victory in the conflict with Israel.

The post caused a stir in the media and social networks. Mazraoui rowed back on Sunday evening. In an original English-language statement that was available to the dpa, the Moroccan said: “The point is that I strive for peace and justice in this world. This means that I will always be against all kinds of terrorism, hatred and violence.”

However, Mazraoui did not explicitly distance himself from his original Instagrampost.

FC Bayern shows solidarity with Israel

FC Bayern expressed solidarity with Israel immediately after the Hamas attacks on civilians. There is “no justification for the killings and brutal violence against the civilian population”, the club announced on the platform X (formerly Twitter). You worry about them “Friends in Israel”.

The club confirmed this again in the announcement of the conversation with Mazraoui. “Regardless of this, everyone, including every employee, every player, knows what values ​​FC Bayern stands for.”said Bayern: “We worry about our friends in Israel and stand by their side. At the same time, we hope for peaceful coexistence for all people in the Middle East.”

Politicians demanded consequences from FC Bayern

The controversial Instagrampost von Mazraoui had also brought politics into the picture. The Rhineland-Palatinate CDU member of the Bundestag Johannes Steiniger called on FC Bayern to take action. Mazraoui “Please throw him out immediately. In addition, all state options should be used to expel him from Germany.”wrote Steiniger and reaped the rewards a lot of criticism under his post. SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert called on FC Bayern to comment.

In the video: How the war in the Middle East stops sport in Munich

That is the European perspective at BR24.

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Source: BR24Sport October 16, 2023 – 7:55 p.m
