Control of health care workers laid down by law | News item

News item | 6/26/2023 | 5:00 PM

As a result of the motion of members Ellemeet and Tielen, the control of care providers has been laid down in the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (hereinafter: Wkkgz) as of 1 July 2023. With this amendment, the care provider who provides care to his clients must be given the opportunity to influence policy, insofar as that policy is directly relevant to their contribution to the provision of good care.

This amendment to the Wkkgz can be seen in addition to the various initiatives aimed at giving healthcare employees more say. An example of this is the Resilience and Control Subsidy Scheme, with which a total of 12.75 million will be made available in 2022. The starting point and goal of the Subsidy Regulation and other initiatives in the context of control is that nurses should increasingly experience control. This not only concerns control over policy with regard to the provision of good care – as in the context of the Wkkgz – but also control over the preconditions for work, such as scheduling and career opportunities.

To monitor progress in this area, Accuralis has developed a monitor on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, which will start in September 2023. By means of input from carers, nurses, nursing specialists and supervisors, this monitor can provide insight into the degree of perceived control within care and welfare organizations. The monitor can also provide relevant insight into which interventions are needed to promote control. Registration for this monitor is possible via the Accuralis website (Monitor Control – Accuralis).

In order to ensure that control for care employees is structurally guaranteed in care organizations, it is important that there is a culture in organizations in which control is supported. This calls for a culture change in care and welfare. Within the Future-Proof Labor Market in Care and Welfare (TAZ) labor market program, long-term plans will be made with regard to control, in which stimulating this cultural change is central.
