Contracts are now easier to cancel

Forgot to cancel in time? never mind Many new contracts, for example for streaming, fitness studios or mobile phones, can be canceled monthly after the minimum contract period has expired.

What has been the case for mobile phone contracts since last year now also applies to many other fixed-term contracts: For example, anyone who takes out a new gym or streaming service subscription can cancel their contract monthly after the minimum contract period has expired.

An automatic contract extension by a whole year without the possibility of early termination is no longer permitted by law.

This is reported by the Lower Saxony consumer center.

The amendment to the Fair Consumer Contracts Act applies to all new contracts concluded since March 1 that include the regular delivery of goods or the regular provision of services or work.

also read Tariffs for cell phones and the Internet can be canceled more easily from December

Before concluding a contract, consumers should check whether the general terms and conditions (GTC) correspond to the new legal situation, advises Christopher Vernon, a legal expert at the Lower Saxony consumer advice centre.

“If the general terms and conditions do not contain the innovation, those affected can point this out to the provider and request an adjustment.” Although clauses to the contrary are ultimately invalid, the adjustment can avoid a later legal dispute.
