Conti: “Lukaku is a great champion like Pruzzo, but they have different characteristics”

The Giallorossi flag compared the two strikers: “Romelu moves the defenders. And I always knew where to find Roberto”

Emanuele Zotti

– Rome

Bruno Conti and Roma. An indissoluble bond that also emerges on the fields of the Conti Sport Club, the Anzio club owned by the world champion and his sons Andrea and Daniele where this evening a match between football and entertainment talents will be staged to inaugurate the new field of football which joins the five padel players already present. There are many important names, from De Rossi to Nainggolan, from Zola to Tardelli and Giordano, from Blanco to Edoardo Leo, but Bruno – who also illustrated the project of his Conti Academy here – does not hold back if there is a need to talk about the his favorite team, starting from an interesting parallel between Roberto Pruzzo and Romelu Lukaku: “They are two great strikers with different characteristics. I already knew where to find Pruzzo and the same goes for Lukaku, who knows how to get the team up and is a defensive player. When you have to turn and move the defender, he is a great player like Pruzzo was. Even if they are different, they are two champions.”

from genoa to genoa

Speaking to Sky Sport, Conti, with a look at Genoa-Roma on Thursday, recalls the match that decided the Giallorossi’s scudetto in ’83, again against the Rossoblu: “For those who grow up in a youth sector like that of Roma, and I I grew up with the great captain Agostino Di Bartolomei and the others, winning a championship with my favorite team is important. The creators were Dino Viola and Nils Liedholm who piece by piece created that team to reach the goal. I was doubly pleased because I won it in Genoa, and I played for two years with Genoa. We celebrated, I remember everything, I got drunk in the locker room, I don’t drink… It was an incredible year, we played beautiful football and we had fun. Liedholm? He knew how to manage a group even in small difficulties, he knew how to communicate in the correct way and with the famous spider web he kept us entertained. It was he who made me debut in ’74, he believed in me, then he brought me back to Roma and made me join the national team. I owe him everything. A great man and a great coach.”

Zola focuses on Inter

Even Gianfranco Zola, very close to Conti, wanted to be present at the Anzio event. Speaking about the championship he focused on Inter’s golden moment: “He picked up where he left off. He finished on a high note, achieving great results, and is now returning to those levels. I saw them against Cagliari and they impressed me with their personality, quality and mastery of the game… It’s the team that is giving more than the others, but there are also other teams. My idea is that the Italian championship is growing, there are teams that play well and offer interesting things. Milan itself, leaving aside the derby which was a bit like this, is demonstrating that it has good qualities.”

in Anzio

These are the two teams on the field. Blacks: Amelia, Desideri, Andrea Conti, De Rossi, Blanco, Pepe, Giordano, Zola. Coach: Bruno Conti. whites: Chimenti, Edoardo Leo, Cerci, Perrotta, Nainggolan, Mauro Esposito, Chierico, Giannini. Coach: Marco Tardelli.
