Content Analytics, the tool to measure the performance of its B2B content

At a time when companies are producing more and more content, developing a content marketing strategy has become essential, both in B2C and B2B. This technique, which consists of distributing content, makes it possible to attract prospects and potential customers. At the same time, the brand is building the loyalty of its existing clientele. This approach aims to create incoming traffic to its website, increase its notoriety and increase its visibility.

As with the implementation of any strategy, it is essential to monitor the impact of the actions implemented. For this, there are many tools, including Content Analytics. Developed by the Marketing Attribution and Revenue Analytics Platform Dreamdatait makes it possible to measure the performance of its B2B content.

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Continuously improve your strategy

Content Analytics is a tool that analyzes the pages viewed during different user sessions. In this way, the company keeps an eye on the entire journey of Internet users when they visit its various pages or websites. From an intuitive dashboard, teams can access metrics about the number of prospects influenced by the content published, how long it takes between the consumption of this content and conversion, the elements that work best in terms of return on investment. (ROI)… So many KPIs to take into account to refine your Content Marketing strategy.

Each metric is provided as graphs or bar charts. In this way, each employee can easily understand the progress of his action plan at a glance. Content Analytics reveals additional data, such as the number of unique visitors and sessions and how much the last Content Marketing campaign brought in. Items that are regularly requested by sales, marketing and finance teams.

To help users improve their strategies, the tool explains the topics that impact each stage of the user experience to gain insight into what works and when. Content Analytics also helps identify the most relevant channels. In this way, everyone can improve their action plan in real time.
