Contagions on the rise, vaccines also suffered by the over 60s

THEstart to worry about the rapid rise of the infections. Today the pandemic is rampant againjust look at the data to understand it: in one week the infections increased by 55%, i ordinary hospitalizations of 33% and those in intensive care by 36%.

Contagions are on the rise: measures to stop them

Faced with these numbers, the Government has had to get back to work and is preparing a new plan to run for cover and to strengthen the fight against the spread of Covid.

It is the same Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to announce that in Septemberfollowing the indications of the scientific authorities, in Italy we will start with one new vaccination campaign.

FromEma, the European Medicines Agency, then, there is also another important indication: give the booster dose to people over 60 immediatelywithout waiting, and then continue with the updated recalls also for the Omicron variants in September.

The rapid and significant rise in infections and hospitalizations is worrying (Getty)

Vaccini, the steps of the new Italian and European plan

You must leave immediately for counteract the high circulation of the virus in recent weeks throughout Europe. So even before the new vaccination campaign, the EMA makes an appeal to all EU member states, asking that too people between the ages of 60 and 79 and the more frail receive a second booster dose right away.

The updated vaccines for Omicron

As regards, however, the new vaccination campaign, the EMA is waiting the new updated preparations which will serve for counter the Omicron variant And its different sub variants who are traveling around the world. The hope is that in September the Agency will be able to get them in time to approve them. This time it will also be about mRna vaccines.

For children under 5 years old

As for the Covid vaccine for children between 6 months and 5 years, an EMA judgment could come in early autumn. In fact, requests are being evaluated in recent weeks and it is hoped that a definitive evaluation can be reached after the summer break.

Will the recall be annual?

Still not certain, but it is increasingly likely that Covid vaccinations will become increasingly similar to influenza vaccinations.

This means they will not require submission of clinical data prior to approval of the annual update. The flu vaccinesindeed, they are simply adjusted every year based on the strains whose circulation is expected.

