Consultation committee: to code yellow or no barometer at all?

Consultation committee: to code yellow or no barometer at all?

The Consultation Committee decided on February 11 to switch to code orange in the corona barometer, today that may become code yellow. In any case, the corona figures have been evolving in the right direction for a long time.

In code yellow, the corona pass disappears into the slide. Capacity restrictions for indoor and outdoor events are no longer an issue and the mouth mask is also disappearing into the background, although an FFP2 mask is still recommended in many places for those who are vulnerable. In principle, the corona barometer also does not apply to education or public transport, so this must be decided separately. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo made it clear in parliament last week that children should soon be able to go back to school without a mouth mask.

The barometer may be completely overhauled. In that case, all corona measures will disappear into the background for an indefinite period.
