Consultation, but no agreement on new asylum law. Fractions VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie do not agree

The parliamentary parties of VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie have still not reached agreement on a new law that should regulate that more municipalities will receive asylum seekers.

The (deputy) group leaders of the four coalition parties met again on Friday, but they did not come to an agreement, State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum) reported afterwards.

The coalition factions are divided about Van der Burg’s plans. D66, CDA, ChristenUnie and the State Secretary himself would like to see legislation that refuses municipalities can ultimately be forced to create reception places. But the largest coalition party VVD has difficulty with coercion and sees more in a reward option.

Van der Burg did not want to say whether the coercive instrument is still the biggest hurdle. He said “there are several variants on the table”.
