Consultant PwC Hielp Tientallen Sanctioneerde Russian Oligarchs in Cyprus | Buitenland

Bijna 100 Russian oligarchs who are now in sanctielijsten staan, konden lang op Cyprus terecht om discreet fortuinen te versluizen. The great consultant PwC takes care of the translation role. This can be seen from the International Consortium of International Journalists (ICIJ) that Knack, De Tijd and Le Soir will be published today.

The consortium onderzocht mijoenen read documents, including e-mails, business files, organizational charts, financial statements and bank formulations, by ICIJ ‘Cyprus Confidential’ genoemd. The sea has 3.6 million read documents from various offshore service providers from Cyprus. The most recent documents are dated April 2022.

The annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 in the EU, the VS and other landen sancties oplegden aan Russian oligarchs, blijkt uit de documents dat de EU-lidstaat Cyprus and aantal Russian oligarchs hielp the sancties te ontlopen . Asset managers of PwC Cyprus have a lot of Russian assets to spend on millions of dollars and on postal transport.

The ICIJ took care of the Cypriot service providers who worked for 25 Russians who opened the door to the West of Oekraïne sancties to ensure the annexation of the Crimea. The consortium now has 71 Russian clans that are fighting the invasion of Oekraïne sancties. In total there are 96 Russians who are sanctioned in Cyprus who have to deal with the late rules. With assistance from Cypriot service providers, there are 800 protection fees in Cyprus of other tax regimes in the British Isles of Maagdeneilanden, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Liechtenstein.

Volgens de media lijkt het erop dat PwC bisij at least één eénheid seedwerkte met een Russian miljardair om en enormous assets suspense te voltooien, de dag nadat de EU tegen hem sancties had afgekondigd. He went to Aleksej Mordasjov, one of the leading Russian industries. PwC Cyprus controleerde de rekeningen van at least 25 bedrijven die aan Mordasjov linked zijn, zo blijkt uit de reade documents.

Gold passports

Other Russian industrials en Een nauwe bondgenoot van de Russian president vladimir poetin, oleg deripaska, kon met de hulp van pwc in 2017 het cypriot state burstshap crijen thanks programa gouden paspoorten, een controversieel programa waarmee in ruil vuerburgerschap aan sidelines EU -burgers are overcooked. The program was stopped in 2020. Ok here PwC Cyprus Deripaska met beheer van de bedrijven the owner goods of a zijn superyacht of 70 million dollars.

PwC has made comments on individual cases and ensures confidentiality. We are the consultant of the sancties of the EU and the United States of America and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The media reports that the gangs with 60 clans have broken the door to the new ‘Russia-gerelateerde sanctiebeleid’ report.

De Tijd, Knack en Le Soir zoomden also in op zowat 16,000 read documents with viewing op 143 Belgen en 40 Belgian bedrijven the opduiken in de documents. He has a large number of e-mails and vertrouwelijke bedrijfs- en bank documents, the teruggaan is from year 90, before the date of 2014 to the beginning of the previous year, writes De Tijd.

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