Construction pumptrack track Meppel just started after conversation with neighborhood

After an uncertain period, the municipality of Meppel has started the construction of a pump track track in the Oosterboer district. The arrival of such a job is a wish of the youth in the neighbourhood, but local residents had their concerns about the realization. Good agreements have been made with the neighborhood in recent weeks, so that construction could start without opposition.

First of all: what is a pump track again? It’s a bumpy circuit of bowls and turns. Ideal for children with scooters, bicycles, skateboards and inline skates. More and more cities are getting such a job. That is why teenagers Marijn and Wessel brought the wish for a job in Meppel to the city council. The council responded enthusiastically and made 50,000 euros available, a further 50,000 euros in subsidy comes from other funds. The hands went together and then alderman Jaap van der Haar rushed the realization. But the latter led to question marks in the neighbourhood.

They feared nuisance. The pumptrack track will be constructed in the Ringpark, but a short distance from homes in the Oosterboer. Conversations with local residents have led to solutions. For example, the municipality has promised that a green fence will be constructed around the pump track, for example in the form of a hedge. It is also intended that the runway will only be used between sunrise and sunset. This is indicated by signs, both along the cycle path and at the entrance of the pump track.
