Construction of station for hydrogen district Hoogeveen to start in autumn

In order to realize the hydrogen plans in Hoogeveen, a hydrogen receiving station is being built at the NAM location Ten Arlo. Work will start this fall.

At that exchange point, between the Nijstad recreation area and the Erflanden district, hydrogen is pumped from tankers to the gas pipelines. A storage facility will also be built and a new hydrogen pipeline will be installed. From there, the new hydrogen district will soon be supplied with the gas.

The municipality of Hoogeveen wants to realize a hydrogen network. The 80 homes in the new Nijstad-Oost district to be built must be connected to it, as well as 427 homes in the Erflanden district. The switching station will be on a piece of land south of the NAM installations, right on the Koedijk. Hydrogen will soon also be supplied from this road by tankers, so-called tube trailers.

The station should be ready before the summer of next year. The first work will start in September, first the pipes will be laid by the Rendo. At the beginning of 2023, the above-ground part will follow.

It is expected that in winter a tube trailer will have to drive to the site every two days to provide the pipelines with new hydrogen, in summer this is needed less often because the gas consumption in households is lower.

The zoning plan takes into account a maximum of one truck per day. In practice, that will be less”, the municipality says about the plan that is now available for inspection. The tube trailers come from the Echtenseweg onto the Koedijk, a road that is used by many walkers and cyclists. “In really cold periods in winter with frost this is a maximum of 1 lorry every two days and in the summer months this is approximately one lorry per month. Because the consequences for the environment are limited, no additional measures are necessary.”

Tube trailers are trucks with large cylinders. “In which the hydrogen is stored under high pressure. The tube trailer is placed on the site and then serves as a storage location”, as is explained in municipal plans.

The site will soon have room for two tube trailers. There, hydrogen is transported via a hose to the exchange station, where the pressure is reduced so that it can be transported to the houses via the gas pipes. Odor is also added to the gas, as is also the case with natural gas.
