Construction of bicycle bridge over A28 Hoogeveen will start in 2025

The bicycle bridge over the A28 near Hoogeveen should be constructed in 2025. The municipality of Hoogeveen, rail manager ProRail and Rijkswaterstaat announced this today.

The intention is for the bicycle bridge to be located parallel to the railway bridge over the A28. Residents of the Kinholt district can then more easily cycle to the station. Hoogeven residents in De Weide and Erflanden also benefit from it. The construction of the bridge is part of a larger project, namely widening the railway arch.

By moving the track on both sides of Hoogeveen station, trains can continue to run at higher speeds, saving time. Sound-dampening measures were also examined. That project has been completed. Now the construction of the bicycle bridge is still pending.

The bicycle bridge can be created with money from the government. A cycle path leading to the bridge should also be constructed. Hoogeveen receives money for this from the province of Drenthe.

Local party Gemeentebelangen was recently concerned about the arrival of the bicycle bridge. The group was curious when the bridge would be built, since the work on the railway arch has been completed.
