Consensually choked by Till Lindemann during sex

A fan has put on record how she claims to have had sex with Till Lindemann after a concert. The anonymous woman, von “t-online” called Martha to protect her identity, describes an alleged incident with the Rammstein singer during his solo tour in 2020.

As “Martha” told the site, the intercourse was consensual — at the after-show party, backstage on a couch. The then 25-year-old was choked by Lindemann, which she would have allowed: “I find this power imbalance very attractive”. “It was maybe ten minutes from the moment I entered the room to the time we slept together,” said Martha, who felt “honoured.”

Martha about the after show party: More of a doctor’s waiting room than a rock star party

She describes the after-show party as “very whimsical”. “There were like 50 to 60 men and women sitting in a circle,” she says — it felt more like a doctor’s waiting room than a rock star party. She felt out of place, she reports. During the party, she was approached by a man. “It was such a huge box, two meters tall, two meters wide. I don’t know exactly what he was doing there. A man for everything,” says the woman.

He asked her if she wanted to get to know Lindemann. When “Martha” said yes, he brought her to him. Lindemann was sitting alone in a sparse room. “I thought, ‘What’s the matter with him? Why is he in such a bad mood? You could see that he wasn’t in the mood to go down to this party,” says “Martha”. Lindemann didn’t push her into anything, she explains – drugs weren’t involved either. The singer is said to have bent down and kissed her, followed by sex, which she describes as a “fast”, “tough” number. The Rammstein singer explicitly asked if he could choke her. “Martha’s” narrative differs significantly in some points from the alleged testimonials of those women who have made serious allegations against Lindemann in recent weeks – she speaks neither of surprises nor of attempts at manipulation, and she also emphasizes the consensus.

Developments in the Lindemann case

In the past two weeks there have been numerous women who have accused Lindemann of sexual abuse. There was talk of a sex recruitment machine for Lindemann. Rammstein denied the allegations, Lindemann’s legal team even threatened the press with legal consequences (which the German Association of Journalists heavily criticized). In the meantime, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office is investigating two cases against Lindemann, and there are also several criminal charges against the singer.
