“Conscious Strategic Leadership: the compass to team success”

Conscious strategic leadership seeks not only to achieve business results, it understands that each decision impacts the life of each team member. Therefore, that leader will seek to guarantee a healthy balance between the interests of the organization and growth, respect for the integrity of each member of his team.

A conscious strategic leader has understood “where we are going” and communicates it with great clarity, exposes the entire panorama, giving the opportunity to think about all the execution alternatives and, valuing each member of the team, encourages being part of that transformation. This allows for the generation of solid belonging in the team, trust and commitment to the group.

The conscious strategic leader develops the ability to take advantage of every opportunity to detect skills, train, mentor and promote the leadership of each of his collaborators, since he understands that this leads his team to success. In a team where the leader is involved with respect and encouragement for each collaborator, this attitude is inspiring for the team.

Imagine a team like a clock: each essential piece, but only when they are together and working in harmony, can they make a difference. Strategic vision is the force that unites these pieces, reminding us that, together, we can achieve much more than we could imagine individually.⁣

In strategic conscious leadership, it is essential to cultivate emotional intelligence in the team. Given the times we live in, knowing what employees feel about the new challenges to manage, what sensations they experience to dimension the future, helps the leader to know how to accompany, what needs arise and motivate to generate pleasant emotions to experience. As well as, find the necessary containment in the team.

Integrating these keys into your leadership style will not only improve your team dynamics, but will also make you a more effective and respected leader.

Follow me on social networks to discover tips that will help you develop conscious strategic leadership.

Instagram: Karina Bressan facilitator

LinkedIn: Karina Bressan

Web: https://academiakoruliderazgo.com/

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