Conquerors of Mont Ventoux raise more than 570,000 euros to fight cancer

The hundreds of participants in ‘Great Resistance Against Cancer’ have raised 572,552 euros for cancer fighting by climbing Mont Ventoux. The money raised will go to KWF Kankerbestrijding and other initiatives that support cancer patients and their loved ones, such as hospices and walk-in centers.

The team of the Toon Hermans Huis Drenthe (THHD) managed to collect one of the largest sponsorship amounts: almost 34,000 euros. The center in Hoogeveen for (former) cancer patients receives half, the other part goes to the KWF. “As a center, the THHD can move forward for another year to help people with and after cancer,” it said.

Cyclists and hikers have been traveling to the French Provence for years to conquer the mythical Tour de France col and thereby raise money to help eradicate cancer. This happens at the end of August or the beginning of September.

The mountain starts in the forest and is steepest there, but the last kilometers where the ascent is completely bare are the most impressive. “The climb to the top is merciless on foot or by bike and requires an enormous effort”, is the verdict of THHD, where checks have been awarded to several initiatives today.

The Toon Hermans Huis is determined to send another team to Mont Ventoux next year.
