Congress will approve next week the express hiring of Catalan, Basque and Galician translators

everything will go very fast. The PSOE and Sumar want the Catalan, Basque and Galician can be used in the investiture debate that will be submitted on September 26 and 27 Alberto Núñez Feijóo, doomed to failure due to lack of support. This Wednesday, both parties, along with EH Bildu, ERC, PNV and BNG, have registered in the Congress of Deputies a proposal to reform the regulation so that the co-official languages ​​are heard at that meeting, but to achieve this objective it is also necessary new personnel. Parliamentary sources advance that the idea with which the socialists and the party of Yolanda Diaz happens because the Table of the lower House, where they have a majority, approves next week the emergency recruitment from a team of translators.

At the moment, the PSOE assures that it has not calculated, not even approximately, how many euros may entail putting this initiative into practice, to which Pedro Sanchez in exchange for obtaining the support of ERC and Junts for Francina Armengol’s candidacy to preside over Congress. In any case, the regulatory reform will be debated in plenary session In two weeks, probably on the 19th, the same sources point out.

The deputies will now be able to use the co-official languages in that parliamentary meeting, despite the fact that the reform of the regulation has not yet been approved, according to Sumar and later confirmed by the Socialists. This permissibility is related to the message that Armengol launched after being elected president of Congress. “I want to express my commitment with Catalan, Basque, Galician and the linguistic richness that it entails. I want to announce that this presidency will allow the use of these languages ​​in Congress from this constitutive session. Defending parliamentary democracy, and this is what corresponds to all of us, is preserve and respect diversity that lives in our country and that the polls have brought us here & rdquor ;, he said on August 17.

The change of position

The socialists had refused until now the possibility of using languages ​​other than Spanish in Congress, something that is a reality in the senate for more than a decade. The need to have support from ERC and Junts to control the lower house, as the first stage before the future investiture of Sánchez, caused the PSOE to change its position. The reform proposal registered this Wednesday is a sample, they point out in the party leadership, that “comply” with what was agreed

Junts per Catalunya did not sign it, but this Tuesday the post-convergents showed up willing to sign it reports Fidel Masreal. party supplies Carlos Puigdemont indicated that they will vote in favor if they are carried out three changes: a provision that establishes a period of six months to implement the use of Catalan, establish the use of languages ​​as a right and not as an option and finally that the copy in Spanish of each intervention is optional.

The PP, meanwhile, showed its absolute opposition. “I am Galician and I speak my two languages, but I do not conceive of a Congress with penganillos If all politicians communicate in the common language, it is not appropriate for citizens to pay to understand each other in the chamber. Puigdemont and Díaz did not need a translator& rdquor; Feijóo tweeted, alluding to the meeting held by the ‘ex-president’ of the Generalitat and the second vice-president on Tuesday in the European Parliament.

The path to investiture

The transcendence of this initiative goes beyond the purely linguistic issue. It represents a further step towards re-election of Sanchez as president of the Government, an objective that the socialist leader has not assured but considers that he is getting closer. The agreement with the Catalan, Basque and Galician parties, Sánchez said on Monday, “can be, must be and will be achieved& rdquor ;.

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In this sense, the position taken by Puigdemont on Tuesday from Brussels has not tarnished the optimism of the PSOE. On the contrary. The ‘expresident’ of the Generalitat claimed the amnesty as a condition for Junts to support Sánchez’s investiture, but avoided demanding a referendum and setting a date for this consultation. The Socialists interpret that he was less “confrontational & rdquor;, more “possible & rdquor; than at other times. And that your not giving up one-sidedness, According to the same sources, it is above all a message within Junts, where there is a division on what direction to take at the investiture, and it is also explained by the constant rivalry with CKD.

“Puigdemont is willing to negotiate. Logically, it starts from maximum positions. Everything is normal,” said Sánchez’s collaborators. Contacts with Junts continue, as with the rest of the parties to which the PSOE asks for support, as evidenced by the agreement on Catalan, Basque and Galician in Congress But I know they will speed up after the failure of Feijóo.
