Confused Eindhoven resident (48) arrested for arson in apartment

A 48-year-old resident of Eindhoven was arrested on Sunday evening on suspicion of arson. Earlier Sunday evening, a fire raged in an apartment complex at the Victoria Park in Eindhoven. Police report that the man exhibited confused behavior and that he may have posed a danger to himself and those around him.

The fire was limited to a smoldering mattress on the first floor, but it caused a lot of smoke, a spokesperson for the fire service reported.

She arrived with two fire vehicles and quickly brought the fire under control. Several floors in the complex suffered from smoke development, the fire brigade ventilated the complex.

A number of residents who were bothered by the smoke waited outside the apartment complex until they could go back inside.

The man was arrested on Sunday evening and taken in for questioning. A police spokesman could not say whether the man is also the resident of the house.
