Confronted: Horacio Verbitsky vs. Hannibal Fernandez

The treatment in Congress of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund not only did it reveal the frictions that exist between journalists close to the ruling party, but it also uncovered other fights between Albertists and Christians. One of the ones that resonated the most in recent days was the one that happened between the journalist Horacio Verbitsky and the Minister of Security of the Nation, Aníbal Fernández.

The back and forth began with a journalist’s column on his site “The rocket to the moon”, where he quoted a tweet from the minister who had denied Andrés Larroque. “El Cuervo” expressed that the vice president had not been cared for during the demonstrations against the agreement (which ended with her office being stoned).

In an exchange of tweets, Aníbal told Larroque: “As the person in charge of security, I took care of the person in Cristina Kirchner) without realizing it, with civilian personnel”. This phrase was the one that picked up Verbitsky, who assured: “If true, it would be illegal and, more than in the category of care, it would fall into that of monitoring and/or espionage” and added: “The argument of care was the same one used by the AFI spies when they were caught watching Cristina’s movements from a car parked in front of the Instituto Patria, during the government of Mauricio Macri.

The minister, after his publications addressed to Larroque, clarified in more than one interview what he was referring to. However, when he was queued for what he published Verbitskyanswered without a doubt that, between the two of them, things do not seem to be going very well: “I don’t eat that operetta… I don’t give a damn who is doing the operation,” he declared in a dialogue on Radio La Red .

Verbitsky did not stop there and after listening to the minister he wrote: “The fundamental thing is that he confirmed that the attack on Cristina was deliberate, although he was careful to explain how he knows it. A rivotril there”.

by RN

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