Confrontation in Bruges between hard cores Club and Cercle

Confrontation in Bruges between hard cores Club and Cercle

Supporters came to blows in a café and a flare was even fired inside. The perpetrators have now been identified and sanctions and measures will follow. Some hotheads get into a fight on the terrace of café Den Bras. The staff must get to safety. The relationship between the two groups of supporters has been lost for a while and the hard cores are apparently heading for a violent confrontation.

“It partly has to do with a harder core of supporters at Cercle Brugge, the Cheeky Green Boys, they are called. They will like me to mention them, because that apparently gives more prestige. But that is one of the explanations for the increase in violence. Cercle is somewhat losing its halo of a friendly, family club. But it mainly concerns the behavior of a few dozen young people,” said Dirk Van Nuffel, police chief of Bruges.

The police will also consult with both football clubs to discuss a joint approach.
