Confirmed two cases of severe hepatitis in minors in Catalonia

  • The alert jumped on April 5 in the United Kingdom with the appearance of 10 cases of this variant of the disease

The Coordination Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies (CAES) has confirmed the detection of two cases of variant hepatitis no severe acute AE in under 10 years old in Catalonia. There are three other cases under study.

The alert already jumped on April 5 in the United Kingdom with the appearance of 10 cases of this variant of the disease and, since then, the CCAES has been monitoring the situation in Spain.

Between January 1 and March 22 they have been detected 13 cases of severe hepatitis unaffiliated to people between 0 and 16 years old, 8 confirmed cases and 5 possible cases.

hepatitis outbreak

The Ministry of Health has reported today that they have been detected in Spain 8 already confirmed cases of acute childhood hepatitis of unknown originand those under investigation, as well as other 5 that have been classified as “probable”.

Of the 8 confirmed cases, 3 are boys and 5 girls of ages between 18 months and 7 years old. They had the first symptoms between January 2 and March 24 and are located in Madrid, Catalonia, Galicia, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha and Aragón.

Thus, the CCAES reports that there is no relationship between the cases, and only one has a history of a trip to the United Kingdom, positive in an adenovirus test.

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The evolution of all of them has been favorable except in one case, which has required a liver transplant. Also, two of the patients could have other cause justifying the clinical report not closely related to the UK.

On the other hand, the five probable and unconfirmed cases are children between 12 and 16 years of age from Catalonia, Andalusia and Murcia.
