Confidence at Zandvoort circuit after 35th right in lawsuit | Motorsport

“This was the 35th legal procedure we have conducted for a permit or an application, and we have been successful for the 35th time,” said circuit director Robert van Overdijk in response to the decision of the court in Haarlem. In a procedure on the merits, the latter determined that the nitrogen permit is in order and may be maintained.

“It is a pity that we have already appeared in court so many times for such a great event, but as far as we are concerned it is now clear that we have done everything carefully,” continues Van Overdijk. “In all those procedures, our permits were looked at from no less than twenty angles, and they have stood up time and again. That indicates that we have done everything carefully and the court has confirmed that again.”

The Grand Prix of the Netherlands in Formula 1 returned to the circuit in the dunes in 2021 after 36 years of absence. There were still corona restrictions, but 70,000 people attended training, qualifying and race every day for three days. They saw Max Verstappen win. The contract with Formula 1 is for three editions, with an option for a further two years. The next grand prix is ​​scheduled for September 2-4.
