Conducted by Andris Nelsons, the Gewandhaus Orchestra brings Bruckner to life ★★★★★

The sensational closing bars of the Fifth Symphony by Anton Bruckner – in unison strings above drumming timpani and overwhelming brass – also mark the end of the Bruckner cycle by the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, conducted by Andris Nelsons. Bruckner is invariably linked to instrumental music by his idol Richard Wagner (who didn’t notice him); a modest, tender Isoldes Liebestod for example, here accompanies Bruckners First and Fifth

So far, all recordings have been heartily acclaimed. Nelsons once again shows what he can do. With just right tempos he makes the overarching structure of the Fifth crystal clear. He does this with an eye for detail. Fugal passages with great violas, the references to Mozarts Requiema delicate oboe, pounding basses: everything comes into its own.

The Gewandhaus Orchestra has an unparalleled Bruckner tradition. Together with the Latvian conductor, it brings the composer to life. We hear a respectful, God-fearing Bruckner, neurotically loving love, without ever being reciprocated.

Gewandhaus Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons

Bruckner: Symphony 1 & 5


Deutsche Grammophon

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