“Concrete desert” Berlin Kulturforum becomes a tree nursery

As part of the “Cultural Forum Tree Nursery” campaign, helpers from atelier le balto bring a young willow tree to the open space in front of the Café Estrade on the Piazzetta of the Kulturforum

As part of the “Cultural Forum Tree Nursery” campaign, helpers from atelier le balto bring a young willow tree to the open space in front of the Café Estrade on the Piazzetta of the Kulturforum Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

From BZ/dpa

The Berlin Kulturforum, often derogatorily referred to as a “concrete desert”, with its world-class museums and the no less famous Philharmonic Hall, is becoming a huge tree nursery.

On the previously largely plant-free site near Potsdamer Platz, around 200 trees are to be planted between the New National Gallery, the Picture Gallery, the Print Room, the Art Library, the Musical Instrument Museum, the Philharmonie, the Church of St. Matthew and the construction site for the Museum of the 20th Century, which is planned to be completed by 2027 three areas form the installation “Baumschule Kulturforum”.

Young deciduous trees at the Kulturforum

Young deciduous trees at the Kulturforum Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

“There is a common interest in developing the culture forum to make it livable and lovable,” said Hannes Langbein on Friday, who is also pastor for St. Matthew and art commissioner of the Evangelical Church in Berlin, Brandenburg, Silesian Upper Lusatia. The tree nurseries are a great invitation, and at the same time the nearby Tiergarten should be brought into the Kulturforum.

The future ensemble of 21 tree species now also includes shady seating and in the future arcades overgrown by vines. Langbein brought some plants into the ground on Friday together with the museum leaders Dagmar Hirschfelder (Picture Gallery), Dagmar Korbacher (Kupferstichkabinett) and Klaus Biesenbach (New National Gallery).

Biesenbach is the artistic director of the “Baumschule Kulturforum” project, which has been declared a “freely accessible artistic-gardening room installation”, together with the office for landscape architecture Atelier le balto.

The trees of the project financed by the city and the federal government will initially remain in buckets as a tree nursery until the end of next year. Until then, the future design should be decided with those involved.


Berlin culture climate change Kulturforum Tiergarten
