Concert interrupted! How exhausted is Robbie Williams?

By Anika Glatzel

He tries to cover up his exhaustion with a joke. And then has to admit defeat.

Fans worry about singer Robbie Williams (49). The ex-Take That star interrupted his performance at the Pinkpop festival in Landgraaf, the Netherlands, on Saturday night.

Already after the third song Robbie had to take a break, seemed visibly weakened. He to the audience: “I’m screwed. It’s Long Covid, ok? Not my age, you fuckers!”

The singer didn’t stop the concert, but Robbie hardly sang one of his songs without the help of background singers and the audience. In addition, there were always breaks, which the charming Brit covered up with jokes and very personal anecdotes. This is reported by the Dutch newspaper “Algemeen Dagblatt”.

The corona virus caught Robbie Williams in the Caribbean

Robbie Williams tested positive for Corona in 2021 during a vacation in the Caribbean with his family. As a source told The Sun, the singer was “quite ill”.

It remains to be hoped that the audience’s favorite will soon allow himself the rest that his body so urgently needs.

What is Long Covid?

After a corona infection, some patients suffer from a variety of complaints, often weeks or even months after the acute phase of the disease is over.

A German study found out last year that 73 percent of patients who became seriously ill during the acute phase of the infection and had to be treated in hospital complained about long-term symptoms.

46 percent of the people treated as outpatients continued to suffer from restrictions twelve weeks after the infection.

The most common symptoms are: tiredness, rapid physical exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, loss of taste and smell.
