Concert in Frankfurt is postponed





The James Taylor concert on Tuesday November 8th at the Centennial Hall in Frankfurt am Main, presented by ROLLING STONE, has been postponed. This was announced by the organizer. A new date will be announced shortly. Entrance tickets remain valid.

The reason for the postponement is the corona disease of a band member. The following German concerts will take place on November 10th in Berlin and on November 20th in Hamburg. So far, nothing is known about possible further shifts.

Taylor had his breakthrough in 1970 with his second album Sweet Baby James. He later collaborated with Art Garfunkel, David Crosby and Stevie Wonder on In the Pocket (1976). He was also active as an actor, in 1971 he played the leading role in the road movie “Two-Lane Blacktop”.

Tour Europe 2022

  • Tue. November 8th, 2022 Frankfurt Centennial Hall – POSTPONED
  • Thursday November 10, 2022 Berlin Tempodrom
  • Sun. 20.11.2022 Hamburg Laeiszhalle




