Concerns about Catherine Keyl are increasing, she has not been able to walk for four weeks

Concerns about 77-year-old Catherine Keyl are increasing now that she has been unable to walk for four weeks straight. She is confined to bed and no one knows what to do with the former 5 O’Clock Show star.


There is something really bad going on with Catherine Keyl. Her life has been completely turned upside down now that she can literally only take ten steps in a row before she dies in pain. She announced it last week in her column in De Telegraaf, but a week later the situation has still not improved. And that’s really not good.

No more walking

Catherine provides an update in the Story and it turns out that she has not been able to walk for four weeks now. The doctors first thought it was a bursitis and she received a cortisone injection for that. “That usually helps after a few days. Maybe two weeks. But it’s been four weeks now and I’m still in a lot of pain.”

So something else is going on, but no one knows what. “I don’t dare to drive, because I am very afraid of making a wrong maneuver due to the pain. Walking is definitely not possible. Yes, a lap in my backyard. Just going shopping on foot is not possible.”

Lying all day

Sadly, Catherine can only function while lying down. “Lying down is actually the best thing for now. That’s when I have the least trouble. So that’s what I do. I lie down on the couch or in bed and watch all kinds of television series and I have seen all the political debates and talk shows.”

Catherine has no children to care for her, but she says she does have kind neighbors and friends. Isn’t she afraid it’s something else? “I didn’t scour the internet myself to see what it could be, because then you come across so many possible causes. And I’m not a doctor.”

Second opinion

All Catherine’s hopes are now pinned on the Bergman clinic. There she goes one second opinion have it carried out. “I hope there is now a doctor who can help me.”

Hopefully Catherine will be back on her feet soon.
