Concern for Kevin Spacey: hospitalization in Uzbekistan

After Kevin Spacey experienced severe pain and numbness in his left arm at the Afrasiyab Museum in Uzbekistan, the actor was hospitalized.

He told about the incident at the Tashkent International Film Festival and of his fear that it might have been a heart attack: “I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds.”

In the hospital, a few tests and an MRI were carried out until Spacey was given the all-clear – all the results were normal.

Looking back, the actor says: “It also made me take a moment and think about how fragile life is for all of us and how important it is that we come together, that we support each other, that we do “What we can do for the next generation”.

It was only in July that Kevin Spacey was acquitted in court after being accused of various sexual offenses. Among other things, Elton John was able to exonerate him in court.

The 64-year-old will continue his career this year. He will take on a role as a speaker in the thriller “Control”, but he will not be seen there.
