Concentration: food advice to find it again – iO Donna

Pstudy afternoons among a thousand distractions and accumulation of tiredness? Find the right concentration for children and teenagers it’s not always easy. That is why, to help them, it can be useful take small but important precautions. The first rule? Bet on right snack. Although we often tend to place more emphasis on breakfast in the morning, so do we mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack they should not be neglected, precisely because concentration on study could also pay the price.

The project reiterates it “At school of health” ( ofBambino Gesu Pediatric Hospitala point of reference in Italy for the nutrition education of the youngest who, in collaboration with Italian Food Union, he suggested 10 snacks for children and teenagers in pediatric age that help in what is often an ‘impossible mission’: regain concentration.

Also available on the site, snack suggestions are provided along with a number of recommendations aimed at the youngest to be able to better enjoy everyday life especially in moments when mental tiredness emerges.

Why is the snack important?

It is now known that proper nutrition is the basis of a child’s optimal growth process.

The key elements of this process reside first of all in one correct distribution of meals which must include, a complete morning breakfast, 2 main meals and finally, precisely, 2 snacks, one mid-morning and one in the afternoon.

Compared to the past, things have definitely changed and this is revealed by the very etymology of the word. The finish snack comes from the Latin “mere“, what does it mean “deserve”. Once upon a time, in fact, the snack was considered as a kind of prize that did not occupy an established space, such as lunch and dinner, in the daily meal plan. Today, however, experts agree in the underline the fundamental role of the snack. And this is as true for children as it is for adults.

Snack and concentration

In fact, the inclusion of two snacks between the main meals helps, the experts point out, for example arrive at the next meal less hungry, allowing a more control over what you eat. Also, spread your calories across 5 meals helps keep cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels low, improve glucose tolerance ed avoid weight gain. Eating small, frequent meals helps prevent and combat diabetes and various cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive disorders.

Not only that, the snack is also essential for maintain a constant level of attention.

Various studies have highlighted the importance of having a snack between main meals as the energy taken with snacks improves the ability to concentrate and more.

Nutrition and children: the decalogue of healthy habits

The golden rules

But what are the rules for a good afternoon snack? According to experts, the afternoon snack must respond to three main requirements: to be varied, adequate and energetic.

«The energy taken as a snack improves the ability to concentrate and learn, reaction time, mood, memory and metabolic control – explains Dr. Giuseppe Morino, Head of the Clinical Dietary Unit of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital. – One however, a poor intake of carbohydrates causes a decrease in cognitive performance and arriving at dinner with a notable sense of hunger. It is therefore necessary to create nutritionally adequate snacks, in which the fundamental elements appear to be the density of the nutrients and energy they perform important role in maintaining metabolic balance».

Concentration: 10 healthy snacks to focus on

From a nutritional point of view it is necessary choose the snack based on the calorie requirement which varies according to age. For the children, a snack it can go from 120 to 125 kcal that they become 180-200 calories for teenagers.

If it’s important not to skip it, it’s just as important though don’t overdo it and don’t double the snack.

Do you prefer a sweet or savory snack? Among the 10 suggestions for regaining concentration proposed by “At school of health” of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, there are both sweet and savory snacks because it is also important try to vary as much as possible.

  • Bread gr. 40 + extra virgin olive oil and cherry tomatoes + orange juice
  • Milk shake gr. 100+ fresh fruit and bitter cocoa
  • Macedonia g. 130 + grains of dried fruit
  • Toasted bread gr, 60 with ricotta and honey (for kids)
  • Puff pastry block: puff pastry, apple, sugar, cinnamon, walnut kernels
  • Shortcrust pastry boat: Shortcrust pastry + jam without added sugar
  • Colored Pancake: Unrefined flour, egg, cranberry juice, yeast, oil
  • Wholemeal sponge cake type snack with icing and granulated sugar 33g + apple 50g
  • Sponge cake type snack 32g with pieces of chocolate 25g
  • Low-fat plain yogurt + fresh fruit + dark chocolate + oat flakes

And the snacks? According to experts, they should not be demonized because, by virtue of one established portion of just 35 gramsthey can represent a valid alternative to the snack to regain concentration. Without considering that they often represent for children and teenagers a comfort food with which they can carve out a moment of pleasure.

Snack and sports

Of course also the sports practiced by children and teenagers require the right snack, with a correct nutritional intake. Each child, the experts on the site explain, have different caloric needs. La snack changes according to the activity that children and teenagers play, by how much they move and when the sport is practiced.

“Must dispel the myth that those who play sports must eat more than those who don’t – clarifies the nutritionist and sports doctor Michelangelo Giampietro. – Many parents still make the mistake of exaggerating the amount of food offered for snacks, because they feel the need to “compensate” for the effort of their children who play sports. And instead, it is preferable to focus on a more energetic and at the same time more digestible snack». As? Choosing one richer in carbohydrates and less in fat. In particular, the advice is to bet on carbohydrates if you practice team games for exampleon carbohydrates and fats if you carry out long-term and continuous work, like swimming or marathon. It must be borne in mind that the snack must represent 10-15% and must therefore contain approx 150-180 calories: a right snack could be represented by an unfilled snack in combination with a fruit juice (or fruit) or a yoghurt. If, on the other hand, he is an overweight child, the snack must contain less than 150 calories and could consist of one or two fruits, an unfilled snack and a piece of fruit, crackers or yogurt and fruit.

Finding concentration beyond the snack

Homework, sports, theater, music lessons, not counting birthday parties, meetings with friends at the park. Carrying out numerous activities requires a high dose of energy and attention for children. For this reason “A scuola di salute” of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, in addition to recommending the right snack, suggests healthy habits to face all the afternoon activities with the right energy and guarantee a good dose of concentration.

Hydrate yourselfturn off cell phones and tablets, drink a juice or a natural fruit juice before sports, take 5 minutes off every hour of study and if you are tired, indulge a short break for sleepare some of the suggested strategies.

And for the parents? It often happens that tiredness, distractions and thoughts end up sucking energy and attention also to adults.

In the gallery above, then, ten simple tips from healthy influencer Cristiana Banchetti, scientifically proven, to return focused and productive.

