Concealer for mature skin: how to choose it | iO Woman

Llight, creamy, plumping: these are the three fundamental characteristics of a good concealer for mature skin. In fact, when you are faced with the vast choice of make-up products for the eye contour, it is essential to start from the needs of your skin, only in this way can you see the difference.

Concealer for mature skin: light and impalpable, they refresh the eyes

Hiding dark circles and eye imperfections is just a matter of knowing how to choose the most suitable concealer for mature skin. In just a few touches it helps to hide more or less dark shadows under the eyes, revitalizing the gaze.

If the skin starts to mature: “It should have some specific characteristics to meet the needs of this epidermis,” he explains Gianluca Roncari, Lancôme Education Manager & Make-up Artist.

First of all should be moisturizing: «Hydration is essential for a second skin effect make-up that is fresh and natural, without adding weight and above all without emphasizing wrinkles and signs of ageing. Above all, it prevents skin dryness. The second feature concerns the coverage, which must be medium-high to best mask blemishes and discolorations. If you have very dark dark circles, corrector sticks are betterpractical because they allow you to apply the necessary product».

Make-up at 50, tips for quick and

Concealer and eye contour, the importance of both products

The action of the make-up concealer is not enough: a synergy with eye contour cream or serum is essential.

Their actions are in fact complementary and contribute to a fresh and rested look. The eye area should contain brightening ingredients, such as vitamin C, moisturizing and plumping ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides and ceramides. In addition to caffeine in cases of bags and dark circles which deflates, drains and reduces dark circles.

And what about the concealer? “Board of opt for products that enhance its action, with formulas rich in treatment ingredientssuch as hyaluronic acid which helps protect and improve the appearance of the area».

How to apply concealer (even on the beach)

«NoThere are no contraindications to using concealers on the beach or in the heatin these cases, however, it is better to choose waterproof formulations swim-proof and long lasting, so as to last longer without always having to touch up».

How to apply it? “There are many schools of thought on this. The general rule is that the concealer should be applied before powder products and after sunscreen, at the bare minimum and dosed only where needed» explains the expert.

One exception: «If the dark circles are very dark, the concealer can be applied both before and after the foundation so as to better regulate the quantity».

The extra tip: the concealer for spots

«If in addition to dark circles you have to to camouflage even blemishes, it’s best to choose a concealer that also contains a sunscreen so as to cover but at the same time protect by preventing future appearances».

