Complete team of polar bears in corona quarantine

During routine testing, numerous corona infections were found among players, coaches and supervisors.

Due to a large number of corona cases, the polar bears have to go into team quarantine. As the club announced on Thursday evening, the responsible health department ordered this measure. Z

According to the announcement, numerous infections with the corona virus had previously been found during routine testing within the team as well as among coaches and supervisors. An exact number was not given.

For this reason, the Eisbären’s upcoming away games in Nuremberg this Friday and two days later in Iserlohn cannot take place. The capital club will inform the club in due course when the Berliners will return to play, it said.

“Despite the greatest possible caution, it has once again become clear how uncontrollable the pandemic is. Of course we respect the decision of the health department,” said polar bear sports director Stéphane Richer.

“We hope that we can get back on the ice as soon as possible. Of course, the focus is on everyone’s health, so we won’t rush anything.”
