‘Complaining Wietze de Jager is underpaid by Radio 538’

Jeroen van Inkel responds to the speculation about the top salary of the complaining 538 star Wietze de Jager. “If this is correct, it is quite underpaid in line with the market,” says the DJ of NPO Radio 2.

© Radio 538, BNNVARA

Wietze de Jager was in the news last week because he complained for eight minutes in his radio program about his five-day working week. Nine months after he got his hands on the most prestigious timeslot on Radio 538, he would like to go back to four days a week. However, the radio station called him back hard.

Who is underpaid?

Although Wietze is being slaughtered by critics left and right, NPO Radio 2 DJ Jeroen van Inkel now sheds new light on the matter. Wietze’s dissatisfaction may have something to do with his salary. According to Evert Sankrediets, he takes about 300 to 400 thousand euros a year and Jeroen now states that this is a bit on the low side.

If this is true, then Wietze is underpaid, Jeroen tweeted. “300,000 to 400,000 euros for Wietze de Jager with the morning show at Radio 538? If this is true, it is rather underpaid in line with the market.”


Jeroen also emphasizes that he does not take such a salary from the public broadcaster. “We at the public broadcaster don’t earn that kind of money by any means. We have the beam standard. The term ‘market conform’ only applies to commercial operators.”

But why underpaid? Three to four tons a year is a mega salary, right? “In 2010, the annual turnover of Radio 538 was around 55 million euros per year. The morning show is the main program of the channel. So the DJ Wietze de Jager who wears this show can earn a lot. Basic economy.”

He adds: “Figures from 2010 indeed. The turnover will probably be more now.”

Criticism of Kasper

Actor and comedian Kasper van Kooten is shocked. “It’s good that you point it out openly, Jeroen. DJs are just overpaid, compared to, say, a music teacher. And if this is already ‘little’, what catches the rest for pictures spinning? May I make a playful (serious) proposal: all DJs donate 1 percent of their salary to More Music in the Classroom.”

Jeroen: “You can think so, Kasper. ? However, if a music teacher manages to captivate hundreds of thousands of listeners, he/she will also earn more. He is then an ‘artist’. Too bad you call it a bit negative ‘rotating pictures’. That is hurtful.”


Jeroen’s tweet:
