Competitive sport: Athletes Germany for improving the coaching situation

As of: 07/06/2022 7:27 p.m

Athletes Germany demands better framework conditions and more professional security for coaches in German sports.

“Sometimes national coaches don’t know at Christmas whether their contract will be extended or whether they will be unemployed from January”it said in a statement from the association on the occasion of the sports committee meeting of the Bundestag on the contractual and remuneration situation for coaches in top-class sport. “Due to this enormous pressure every year, a number of competent young coaches have already resigned.”

In addition, their training and professional practice must meet the highest standards, the statement said. “This is the only way they can help athletes to optimally develop their sporting and personal development potential.” Then the risk could be reduced that they could have a negative impact on athletes or even cause damage.

Demand for “optimal and sustainable framework conditions”

In order for trainers and staff to be able to live up to their role and enormous responsibility in competitive sports, they too must find optimal and sustainable framework conditions. “This is often not the case”, criticized the interest group. The trainer concept of the German Olympic Sports Confederation from 2019 has had solution approaches and recommendations for some time. However, the implementation status is unclear.

“Athletes thrive when their coaches thrive”said Maximilian Klein from Athletes Germany. “Therefore, the political will to solve the long-known grievances surrounding their employment modalities should be renewed promptly.”
