Competition causes the prices of the AVE to Barcelona to drop by 49%

09/16/2022 at 17:27


The liberalization of the railway market in Spain causes a drastic drop in prices

Trainline has produced a report in which it highlights that the demand for the Madrid-Barcelona route has skyrocketed by 393%

The Spanish railway market has undergone a drastic change in recent years: the liberalization. Thanks to the input of Ouigo and Iryo, two private capital companies that operate (or will do so very soon) in our country, and that have brought cheaper high-speed tickets to a significant number of citizens. In this way, the ticket sales platform train line has carried out a study to verify the impact of this novelty, and everything seems positive.

On the one hand, the arrival of ouigo and iryo has promoted a 49% reduction in the price of tickets for the Madrid-Barcelona route compared to pre-pandemic figures. This drop in cost has also helped ticket sales have skyrocketed 393% since May last year.

andrea savianeCEO of Trainline Spainexplained that “we are convinced that the liberalization of the Spanish railway sector will increase the number of train passengers in Spain“. For now, the numbers point in this direction, and even more so when Iryo begins to operate on the routes to Levante and Andalusia.
